Monday 5 August 2013

Jesus tells us- "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20

One of the scariest facts I've heard was one I found in the book Radical, By David Platt. He says, "There are 6,783,421,727 and counting. As I write this chapter, this is the population of the world...approximately one-third of the world is Christian...4.5 billion people who at this moment are separated from God in their sin and (assuming nothing changes) will spend an eternity in hell."

Again, 4.5 billion. He continues saying, "Most of this number live outside of the United States. God has given us His grace to extend His glory not just to areas of need here but to areas of need around the world. Not either here or there, but both here and there."

I am beyond excited to share that in this new chapter of my life, God is leading me to Uganda!! This is not something that I had ever considered myself doing, I was actually against the thought of it for many years. But on this journey, I plan on working with and feeding malnourished children and their care-takers, building the relationships that I value so much with them so that they can see God's light shining through me and want the same. I am not going over to shove "religion" down people's throats like many would say, I am simply going to show them my Savior through my actions and my big heart I have for their people. 

While I am over there I will be staying with my mother, father, and youngest brother (age 13) for six months, who are actually moving there in November to stay for three years. I will also be spending time with Renee and Eileen Bach from Serving His Children (a Non-Profit) and Dacia Newton with Arise Africa. You can check out their websites and blogs at,, and It is not easy for us as a family to give up our comfortable lifestyle in our middle class home, stable jobs, and loving family and friends nearby. But we do these things because we believe our God has shown us great grace in order that He might use us to accomplish the glorious, global, God-exhaulting purpose that has been primary since the beginning of time, and we don't want to settle for anything less than radical abandonment to that purpose.

I just want to tell as many people about the gospel as I can, and you can help me! Share with your friends and church family about what we are doing so that they might pray for us as we embark on this journey. You can also donate to help support me financially while I am over there! 

The Prince of Peace has His comforting hand on my family and me as we continue to get everything ready for our next chapter. And why shouldn't we feel at peace? I believe that all of our hearts should be consumed with making the glory of God known in all nations. He has called me deeper.

sincerely yours,

Katie Sandy

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