26 Days Left

Saturday 26 April 2014

As I sit in a friend's house listening to the crickets and wild dogs outside my window, the realization hits me that I am leaving this place and these friends in a mere 26 days.

My heart is so full, yet so heavy at the same time. I'm here to spread love and show the people here how to love. Unfortunately, I think I may have been the one who loved too much.

I've grown so attached to the staff at the clinic, the children at the Child Restoration Outreach (a place for street children to go for the day), and the muzungu friends that I've made here. Am I ever going to see some of these people again? 

Forcing back the tears, I know I have to say goodbye and continue on with God's plan for me and my life. Though it may be hard, I will not fear for He is with me. 

I know the friends that I have made from all over the world (literally) were not just for nothing. I know the connections and relationships I've built up over the last four months will be to my benefit someday. I am definitely going to get as many sweaty, smelly, and dirty hugs as I can before I go!

But as for now, I still sit in a friend's house listening to the crickets and wild dogs outside my window, and come to the realization that this is my life and I wouldn't have wanted to live it any other way. 

Meet Bex

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Hi Friends!

Meet Bex. Bex is a 23 year old girl from England and has the biggest heart of anyone you've ever met.She's friendly and compassionate. She's fun and energetic and lovely. She is determined and slightly gullible. She shows God by loving like He has loved us. She is always great with kids and loves being active. She prays the most beautiful prayers and has the greatest advice to share with you. I would recommend Bex's friendship to anyone and everyone. "Cheers!"

Why are you here in Uganda?
i am here volunteering with a project called jenga working with building sustanable communities.(and because i felt like God wanted me to come here.) 

What was the first thing you did today?
the first thing i did other than wake up.. CRO, we did a games morning with street children, encouraging/building them up and loving them!

What have you been loving lately?
CRO i absolutely love hanging out and loving children who are often outcast from the community.  

What is something you struggle with and what are you learning as a result?
i struggle with like when i see things and i feel like my heart should be more broken for the people here and i dont feel shocked by anything.. but it enables me to feel completly comfortable here and continue with the projects as if i am part of the community

Life here in Africa can get pretty stressful. How do you relax?
life can be stresful here but ive started to pray once a week a local coffee shop. i can relax and spend time with God there, which equips me for the rest of the week! i also just love playing the guitar and chilling out! 

What is something that has made you smile recently?
I have bee really encourad by the freindsh ive formed here and we had a girls prayer night which made me smile!

Meet Emily

Monday 21 April 2014

Hi friends!

Today, I want to share a bit to you about my friend Emily. Emily is a 19 year old girl from Texas, and even though she is only 19, she is here for a year serving God in Uganda. She's at that age where she is old enough to take on bigger responsibilities but still young enough to be crazy adventurous. Our friendship was not something man-made but rather God's plan. She is always setting a beautiful example to everyone around her with everything she does. she's definitely her own girl, that's for sure! She loves God and she loves others. She is curious and funny. She's tough and sensitive and passionate. She doesn't conform to what anyone else thinks and never takes the road most traveled. She's been my inspiration from the start.

Why are you here in Uganda?

I felt a very strong calling from God to spend my first year out of high school doing some sort of ministry outside of the US. I wasn’t sure exactly where or what this year would entail, but I knew very firmly that I was supposed to go somewhere. I considered several countries and different mission programs, but nothing seemed to be the right choice. A friend of mine put me in contact with Becky Ball, the founder of I Choose You Ministries in Uganda. The needs they had in their ministry seemed to be very specific to something I could fill.  I Choose You is a child sponsorship program, serving the families of Namatala, a slum outside of Mbale. I Choose You focuses on bringing education, financial independence, and spiritual teaching to its families. I made a ten-month commitment to work with I Choose You- working in the I Choose You office, taking children to the doctor, teaching Bible studies, and tutoring children. 

What have you been loving lately?

I really enjoy spending one-on-one time with the kids in I Choose You Ministries. Whether it be a trip to the doctor’s office or a lunch date with one of the older girls, I love being given the opportunity to get to know the children better with no one else around. I get to hear about their lives and interests on a deeper level when I’m with only one child. It’s so much fun! 

What is something you struggle with and what are you learning as a result? 

I struggle with living outside of my own selfish desires. I’m often thinking about what I’d rather be doing, what would be more comfortable for me, rather than thinking about how I can be a blessing to people and share the love of Jesus. God is teaching me a lot about looking outside of myself to see the people around me who are hurting and in need of love. He’s giving me new eyes to see people as He sees them, giving me more compassion and love for each one of His children that He places in front of me.

Life here in Africa can get pretty stressful. How do you relax?

I love to read, so a new novel is always a great relief to me when things get stressful. I also love to sing, both worship music and secular.

What is something that has made you smile recently?

Something that made me smile recently was playing with kids outside after a big rain. I loved splashing with them in the puddles and giggling to our heart’s content. Some of the children seemed particularly stressed out that I was getting my legs muddy. I assured them that it was okay, but they insisted on helping me wash my feet afterwards. It brought me so such joy to play with them, splashing around, as well as seeing their sweet servant hearts in desiring to wash my feet. These kids teach me so much about what is means to be like Jesus.

What scripture speaks to you most and why?

One of the scriptures that has been very impactful on my life is Jeremiah1:4-10.

The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” 

Emily will be going back to the states in November. Please be in prayer for her while she is serving God and others in the town of Mbale!

Katie Sandy
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