Every Circumstance Is An Opportunity

Friday 28 February 2014

i was in town the other day, shopping for some things for the house. i walked past a man sitting on the ground and i couldn't help but catch a glance at his broken body. once his eyes met mine, he started yelling and begging for me to help him, that he wanted money. but i just kept walking.

as i continued to walk, i could hear him speaking to me from afar. it was the hardest thing for me to turn my back on that man. i even wondered what Jesus would have done in that situation. He would not have turned His back on the man like i just did.

i feared for his life if i were to have given him the coins i had rattling in my left pocket. who knows if he is "working" for someone who is harming him to receive the gifts given to this poor man.

my heart breaks when i see men and women and even children sitting on the sidewalks with no arms or legs or crawling around helplessly. unfortunately, this is a common thing for people to do in countries like uganda. many times i wonder how my God, the creator of the universe, could let something like this happen. but then i remember about a story i read in john chapter nine a few weeks before i came on this journey.

when the disciples asked Jesus what the blind man did to deserve his condition, Jesus replied, “neither this man nor his parents sinned but this happened to him so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (John 9:3) poverty is not a sin. i believe it is a condition, a circumstance that allows God’s work to be displayed.

every circumstance is an opportunity for God’s work to be displayed. will we do His work? will He be displayed in our lives?

UPDATE: time to put my craftiness to work! i've started putting things together in little baggies, such as fruits and a bottle of water, and carrying them in my bag to give to the people on the street. sometimes, if a ugandan is with me, we like to stop and chat with them! maybe i'll even post a picture of us someday!

Sincerely yours,

Katie Sandy

It's Universal

Monday 24 February 2014

last night one of my sweet friends asked me: "how are you doing in Africa? i can only imagine how different it is being so far away and all..."

i wanted to respond back to him and say that i do miss living the "normal" teenage life, but really, i don't ever feel that way much anymore. i'm starting to feel pretty comfortable.

many people view Africa as another world, and in being here, it would be easy to think that, it IS different. but really, it is the same. human beings just hungry for God. hungry for a purpose, for love, for life. they want to be able to support their children, they want to be able to work, they want to be able to give back, they want to be good, noble people. they want to feel important, and needed, and beautiful. the children want to play, and to eat, and to learn, and to be loved. we are all the same. we do not live in different worlds, but the same one. the same God created us for the same purpose and that was to serve Him and to love and care for His people. it is universal.

sincerely yours,

Katie Sandy

I Am Peter

Saturday 22 February 2014

Peter is the rock on which God built His church. But first, Peter was probably the worst disciple ever. I am Peter.

Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny Him 3 times; Peter says, "No! I love you, I could never deny you, Lord." Yet we all know that Peter does in fact deny Jesus 3 times. I know in my heart and my soul and the core of my being that I LOVE the Lord, that I would do anything for Him, go to the ends of the earth for Him, but how often do i forget to give the Glory back to His name? How often do I take compliments without giving Him the credit, without the honor and praise back to God who has given me this work? Do I, as Peter, deny Jesus the glory that is His?

Jesus told His disciples that it was God's will for Him to be arrested. He went willingly when the soldiers came to take Him, but enthusiastic, loving Peter raised his sword and cut off a soldier's ear. I'm sure Jesus chuckled and shook His head as He put the ear right back on the man. "put your sword away," Jesus commanded, "shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" I am Peter. I have my own time frame. When I don't see things happening, I try to make them happen. And Jesus says, "Put away your sword, put away your plans. Shall we not do what the Father has asked of us?" So like Peter, I put away my plans, my defenses, and watch as everything happens perfectly, in God's own timing.

After Jesus had risen, He appeared to His disciples while they were fishing. When Peter saw his beloved Savior, He excitedly jumped out of the boat and began swimming where Jesus stood. Needless to say, the boat probably reached the shore long before Peter. I am Peter. Excitedly jumping into things, and then standing, sopping wet, at the feet of the Lord, smiling at my stupidity. I get excited, forget to think things through, and end up doing them the long way. Every time, though, just as with Peter, Jesus welcomes my soaking wet self into His arms and is simply happy to see me.

I am Peter who made many mistakes, but I am Peter who God had great plans for, who God established to do His work. Peter is the rock on which Jesus built His church. The very night that Perter foolishly jumped out of the boat, Jesus reinstated Him in the presence of the other disciples. "Do you truly love me?" He asked. "Then feed my lambs." "Do you really love me? Take care of my lambs." "Peter, DO YOU LOVE me? Feed my sheep, and come. Come follow Me."

For each time that I deny God the Glory that is His, for each time I follow my will instead of listening to His, for each time I jump ahead without first consulting my Lord, He asks, “Daughter, do you truly love me?” and I do. “Feed my sheep.” And I will. And I do. “Come follow me.” And I am, or at least I am trying.

I am Peter. I mess up. I make mistakes, I am far from perfect, and God will use me. God will establish great things through me. You are Peter. God already knows that you will make a mess, but His plan for you is great. Go. Feed His sheep.

sincerely yours,

Katie Sandy

This Is My Life

Tuesday 11 February 2014

the room i'm staying in has a bucket for a shower and a net over my bed to keep the mosquitos from infecting me malaria and other diseases while i'm sleeping.

the language barrier is incredibly difficult.

the cold showers make me wish i had a warm shower, but when i step out i'm sweating.

as soon as i step outside, the wind is blowing red dirt all over me which makes it impossible not to always be filthy. 

i to walk miles upon miles to get to town everyday to do errands and eat lunch in 90 degree weather makes me wish i had my car with it's consistent air conditioning.

the shop owners in town always try to overprice me on items that i know aren't really that expensive.

when i want to go for a nice walk on my own, i'm always surrounded by hundreds of children heading home from school and sometimes the children are so dirty they actually reek.

when it rains, the muddy roads make a treacherous journey for anyone out and about and make it nearly impossible to get anywhere.

many times for meals we eat posho, which is corn-flour boiled in water until it is thick and pasty. it tastes a little worse than elmer's glue. 

joy, my waitress at the cafe, always tells me they are out of everything unless it is rice or avocado (everyday).

the painter for our house was supposed to be there to paint our house today at 9. we waited until 3 and he still never showed up which is making us push things back a day.

on my walks home, i'm hit on by crude, disgusting men, almost 20 years older than me.

on sundays we go to church out in the village and listen for four hours to words i don't even understand.

seeing sick children everywhere i go makes me want to weep because i know i can't save them all.

and to you, those sound like complaints. they are not; this is me, rejoicing in the Lord. because you see..

i love my job. i love the hot sun on my face. i love my bed, cozy under my net after a long day. i love my home sweet home, all its creatures included. i love the people that work hard to help me. i love my long walks home, day or night, rain or shine. i love the beating, cleansing african rain. i love my african meals, prepared with such love and generosity. i love to be hugged and touched and jumped on by the dirty street children. i love the cool, dusty breeze in my hair. i love every african sunrise, the cool and calm of a new morning. i love each and every day, each and every moment that i spend in this beautiful country; i rejoice in each breath that i take.

This is the life I am called to.

Of course it's ridiculously hard,

but it's so worth it.

Katie Sandy

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